Jobs Landed: Nick Pyykkonen

As the President and Chief Executive Officer of this new start-up foundation, it is my job to run the current day-to-day operations. This means that I am responsible for every aspect from the marketing, to accounting, to the events and planning. The diversity that I experience on a daily basis is unlike any other job I could have accepted. This “learn as I go” experience always keeps this job exciting to me and will surely help me in my other ventures.
Job Title: President and CEO
Company: Pink Rose Inspirational Foundation, Inc.
College: Northwood University, Banking, Finance, Midland, MI
High School: Troy High School, Troy, MI

Pink Rose Inspirational Foundation, Inc.

2617 Glen Dr.
Troy, MI 48098
This Pink Rose Inspirational Foundation was legally incorporated in July 2008 and currently maintains its’ 501c3 status. The goal of this foundation is to identify an area of Breast Cancer research, detection or treatment that is currently not heavily focused on, and help to fund test programs in those areas. We plan to raise money through our charity events and gaining support from others who have been affected by this terrible disease.

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