Early Education Matters

Feature Story BC Early Childhood
Longform Hope-Starts-Here-list

Hope Starts Here puts Detroit's young children first

Feature Story Danielle Atkinson
Longform Robin Beasley is the director of Garden of Dreams Preschool inside First Congregational Church.
Longform Teacher helping child at NEST Child Care and Parent Institute in Detroit
Longform Rogen poses for a picture at Garden of Dreams Preschool in Battle Creek
Longform Kids in Lansing's pre-K classrooms achieve academic readiness along with social-emotional skills.

Lansing School District: Free, universal pre-K well worth the effort

Development News List Image
Longform Child at NEST Child Care and Parent Institute in Detroit

Michigan makes the leap to improved educational opportunities with MiLEAP

Feature Story Boys in preschool
Feature Story Boys in preschool

Why preschoolers living with autism benefit from early education