Healthy Communities

Innovation News A flyer for the "Stepping Stones to Food Entrepreneurship" series.

Ypsi nonprofit to host free series on food entrepreneurship

Longform Luther Blackburn with Katelyn Zak in front of her home that had its lead service lines replaced by YCUA.

Initiative aims to identify lead plumbing in Ypsi-area homes

Longform Odindi Youth Action Village co-founders Akin and Bambo Oluwadare.
Longform Ypsilanti City Manager Andrew Hellenga at the Peninsular Dam.

Ypsi secures funds to remove aging Peninsular Dam in 2026

Innovation News A book vending machine at Ypsilanti Community High School.
Longform The Deep End Cafe owner Candace Cavazos.
Innovation News Bourbons featured at the Ypsilanti Bourbon Fest.

Bourbon festival set to return to Ypsi

Longform YCMS Principal Charles Davis.

What gives you hope for Washtenaw County in 2025?

Longform Todd Crowley, Kieren Berres, and Maddy Tong of FedUp Ministries serving food at the Ypsilanti Freighthouse daytime warming center.

What would it take to establish an Ypsi homeless shelter?

Innovation News A chef demo at the 2024 Ann Arbor Local Food Festival.

Ann Arbor plans cookbook to advance carbon neutrality goals