John Bebow is executive director of the Center for Michigan. Before that he spent 16 years working as an investigative reporter for The Chicago Tribune, Detroit Free Press, and Detroit News and helped found and serve as editor-in-chief of Mlive.com. John will be writing about how we can better provide for Michigan's future.
Post No. 5
Posted By: John Bebow
Posted: 11/14/2007
Citizens across the state are considering that question this fall in more than 80 Community Conversations -- small group discussions in communities from downtown Detroit to Marquette. Participants include women business owners, entreprpeneurs, educators, environmentalists, artists, regional government leaders, and many other everyday citizens who share a passion for the future of our state.
We'd like to hear your opinions, too. Hundreds more citizens are participating in our Online Community Conversations. In a matter of moments, you'll be able to weigh ideas for Michigan's future and compare your views to hundreds of others who've participated. Here's a sampling of what particpants' ideas from the past few days...
- "A Michigan where our common -- wealth; intellect/knowledge; stewardship for the land, water and air; cause on behalf of the public interest; heritage of hard work, struggle and innovation; and, bound as friends, neighbors and co-workers across our two peninsulas -- are cherished and help lead us to a bright + sustainable future for ALL.
- "Courageous leadership from our elected officials and business and education CEOs . . . which means willingness to compromise, look for long-term impact of short-term actions, ability to appreciate the merits of differing views. Michigan can return to prosperity via more than one path. There are great opportunities in today's economy including manufacturing, bio science, tourism/hospitality, health care, personal services and more. But we have to quit bickering, stop pontificating and get to work."
- "A place with a high quality of life for all its citizens, regardless of background, that is sustainable both economically and in terms of natural resources."
- "I see a Michigan where every child is valued and has access to appropriate education, nutrition, housing,etc. from birth through adulthood. I see a Michigan where our children are able to find productive and meaningful work and a quality of life that causes them to stay in the State. I see a Michigan that remembers the contributions of our senior citizens and guarantees that they have the services and support they need in retirement."
C'mon in and try it! Spend a little time on the future of your state!