Model D managing editor Clare Pfeiffer Ramsey reports in this week from the publication's Motor City headquarters on why Metro Detroit needs to rethink their relationship with the city and why summer is the perfect time to do it. She'll be giving
metromode readers the skinny on what Detroit has to offer the region that you simply can't find anywhere else.
Post No. 2
Posted By: Clare Pfeiffer Ramsey
Posted: 5/30/2008
A note to my one comment maker: Summer is short, but I think we pack more into ours in Michigan than anyone did down South, where the oppressive heat keeps a lot of folks inside sipping iced tea/sugar water. Of course, down there if it snowed every kid in town built a snowman and reveled in it. So it goes.
So to kick summer off right, you've got to get downtown this weekend for a truly one-of-a-kind event: The Red Bull Air Race. What's the deal with these races? I don't know! But they look totally cool and do you really need an excuse to get outside when the weather is this good? I haven't scoped out my personal vantage point, but last I looked there were still tickets -- and they were cheap -- on the Windsor side. Detroit's stands are all sold out, but surely there's some spot to catch the action.

A friend sent me this picture from the 15th floor of the Ren Cen (thanks Jen Andrews!) which looked mighty cool. She says the test runs looked awesome. I could hear them buzzing as they took of from City Airport this week. I'm not into motor sports, really, but I don't think that's a requirement for this event.
Seriously these planes don't just fly anywhere. We're only one of two stops in the country -- so get out and enjoy it folks.
The other thing you should do this weekend is go to Eastern Market -- I'll be there Saturday getting my fruit and veg on, and I'll dish more on the market Monday. Have a great weekend, all.