A plug for YP Underground, an informal networking group for young(ish) professionals who live or work in the Ann Arbor area. We are not fighting for a cause, but are always looking for an excuse to get together for conversation.
Melange (314 S. Main Street in downtown Ann Arbor) has graciously offered to host the next YP Underground networking event on Thursday, November 20th starting at 5:00. Melange Management couldn't resist your devilish charm and will be providing free appetizers to our group. Who can resist such a delicious (and generous) offer? Get there early to take advantage of the other happy hour specials (1/2 off ordered appetizers, sushi, select libations, and wines by the glass) that run until 6PM.
So before you face your family to enjoy/endure another Turkey Day, join us for cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and vibrant conversation.
Also...if you're looking for some authentic urban holiday fare, here are the details of the next getmedowntown.com trip:
Grab your winter woolens and ice skates to witness Detroit's tree lighting ceremony and figure skating extravaganza in Campus Martius Park, Friday, November 21st. If hot chocolate and wholesome goodness are not your thing, Hot Toddys, Irish Coffees, and other libations, await at the many walk-able bar and club destinations in the Campus Martius Park area. Pubcrawl maps and suggestions will be provided. (One verse of "Silent Night," and I might need a drink. ;-)
Get the babysitter scheduled, and give the dogs a treat: the bus leaves downtown Ann Arbor at 6PM, and will be back by 1AM. See more complete schedule information and reserve your seat at our website: