Healthy Communities

Longform Healthy House for Women
Longform Produce from the Youth Mentor Garden at Marquette Park in Wyoming, Mich.
Development News Midland Farmer's Market
Innovation News Michigan Nurses' Study image
Longform Ariane Donnelly, Anne Davis, and Tanya Andrews at the Prescription for Health booth at the Pittsfield Township Farmers Market. Prescription for Health is Washtenaw County's produce prescription program.
Innovation News Michigan Turkey Producers employee Blanca Chaidez wears Taza Aya’s worker wearable protection equipment as she prepares for her work shift.
Feature Story Dawn Mitchell playing at Sanborn Park where the 2024 Robinson Tennis Tournament will be held
Longform People play basketball during a Pistons Neighbors program session in Rouge Park.
Feature Story Mike Bica waiting on the number five bus on Pine Grove Avenue.
Innovation News Community garden
Feature Story Harold Powell, Community Correspondent for The Keel.

Q&A: The journey of Community Correspondent Harold Powell

Feature Story Michigan Health and Hospital Association represents all community hospitals in the state.
Longform Amy Nichols, campus coordinator for the Region IV Area Agency on Aging, at the Campus for Creative Aging's booth in the South Haven Art Fair. She shows an example of the Window to Our World art project for care partners.
Feature Story A sign at the start of the Michigan Nature Association trail reads "Leave nothing but your footsteps. Take nothing but inspiration"
Longform A new dock at Pontiac Oaks park, funded by Oakland County's Healthy Communities plan.
Longform The Inclusive Health Care Taskforce hosted an information and resource fair on June 13.
Longform Cherisa Allen, Puffer Reds owner Eric Williams and Trisché Duckworth at Puffer Reds.
Longform Melissa Schmidt, Will Heininger, and Andy Nalepa at Skyline High School.
Feature Story Display of flowers at Palmer Park done by the St. Clair Garden Club.
Longform Derek Miller, program supervisor for Kalamazoo County’s Healty Babies Healthy Start & 4Dad Fatherhood Program, with Sidni Miller, community health worker, inside Kalamazoo County’s Health and Community Services building.