Q&A: The journey of Community Correspondent Harold Powell

The Community Correspondent role provides readers with on-the-ground and inclusive stories about the Port Huron area. This is made possible through funding provided by the Community Foundation of St. Clair County.

In the heart of Port Huron, a man named Harold Powell has become a beloved figure. Known for his passion and dedication, he has made a significant impact as a Community Correspondent for The Keel.

“For a few years now he has been an important community correspondent and brings his own perspectives and views to local journalism. As we all watch traditional mainstream media struggle and fade away, we feel it’s critical that philanthropy steps up and helps ensure that all voices are heard in journalism,” says Randy Maiers, president of the Community Foundation of St. Clair County. “The Foundation and our donors are proud to have supported Harold’s work over these last few years, and we’ve been excited to see him expanding his work beyond the Keel to local radio and Thumb Coast TV.”

The Keel talked with Powell about his role as a Community Correspondent and how it's impacted his career. 

What is a Community Correspondent and How did You get Involved?

When asked what a community correspondent is, Powell described it as “a member of the community in which they live who reports on people, places, and events that affect or impact the community or surrounding areas.” 

His journey began in 2020 when he applied for the position from an Indeed post suggested by his cousin. Despite having no prior professional writing experience, Harold’s love for writing from an early age pushed him to apply. 

Reflecting on his decision, he said, “I think I waited until the last minute to apply because I felt there were far more qualified individuals who would get chosen before I would. I applied and the rest is history.”

What have been some Key Observations about Port Huron and the Region?

Powell's keen observations of Port Huron reveal a community with a strong sense of solidarity and community pride. 

A story that stands out is “Trash the Clown,” a resident who began picking up trash in Port Huron, inspiring others to join in. 

This story, Powell believes, exemplifies the community’s spirit: “It just shows that people here have this school about them to make this community a better place… when I pick up trash it’s a beautiful thing to me, like no one wants to pick up trash, but to have the ability to make others want to help you do it, that's something special.”

What Important Voices Have You Come Across that Weren't Well Known and What was the Importance of Sharing Those Stories?

Powell finds great fulfillment in sharing stories of local business owners who chase their dreams and succeed. One such story is particularly personal to him. He recalled a former factory colleague who aspired to be a cook. “We both left the factory job, and he eventually went on to start a food truck called Fire Up Grill,” he shared. 

Covering the story about Jalan Hayes, Sr. was special to him because it was about someone who, like him, pursued a dream and turned it into reality. 

“I think that one hit a little closer to home with me because like I said we work together and we were both in that factory miserable, saying ‘one day we're gonna do this, and one day we're gonna get out of here’… he went above and beyond, chasing that ring,” Powell says. 

Jalen’s, beginning with a modest food truck, has grown Fire Up Grill into a renowned dine-in restaurant specializing in BBQ and soul food. His culinary skills and relentless drive earned Fire Up Grill the title of 2nd Best BBQ in Metro Detroit in 2023, highlighting his rapid rise in the culinary world.

Powell turned his passion for writing into a thriving business by founding Phantom Pen Media. With aspirations of ghostwriting under his business, Powell's focus shifted to photography and videography a year later. This transition opened new avenues, including social media ads. 

How has this Community Correspondent Role Changed Your Life and Career?

Being a Community Correspondent has brought Powell local fame and recognition, making him a trusted and sought-after resource.

“It has endeared me to many in the community who see my passion and love for the community in which I reside,” he said. It has validated his work, leading to collaborations with other businesses and organizations.

He values the continuous learning and connections he makes through this role, stating, “The beauty of being the Community Correspondent is that I learn more about the people and places in my community that I didn't know prior.”

How Do You Feel your Profile in Port Huron has Grown or Changed?

Powell believes being a Community Correspondent has made him a more respected, trustworthy, and sought-after resource in the community. He remarked, “I have always been these things in my opinion, but being in the public eye a lot more has shown others those qualities a bit more.”

Where is Your Career Headed or What’s Next for Your Work?

As for the future, Powell is focused on growing his business, Phantom Pen Media, while balancing personal fulfillment. He contemplates taking his talents to a larger market or pursuing more significant projects in journalism or creative writing.

“I have been told on numerous occasions I should write some sort of book one day so that's always something I ponder giving my full focus and attention to one day as well,” he says.

Powell works across different media like print, radio, and television, which he sees as a training ground for potentially larger endeavors.

His journey is a testament to the power of community, passion, and perseverance. 

“You never know what you're good at or what you can accomplish until you believe in yourself enough to do it,” Powell says. 

Read more articles by Cynthia McClung.

Cynthia McClung holds a forced field of positive energy that’s contagious. As the mother of a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, a sophomore at Bowling Green State University, and a kindergartener she believes a smile holds immeasurable and undefinable power. “Smile and watch what will happen; turn evil into goodness, sadness into elation, and give joy to others.” Cynthia embraces mother nature and the outdoors. As a hobby farmer living in the city, her home features edible landscaping and wildflowers. Becoming a freelance writer is a dream she has manifested with the intention of serving others through words. More about Cynthia at cynthia-mcclung.com or Mama Cindy’s travel blog at readysetgosingle.com.  
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