Paxahau goes from Detroit passion project to 8 employees

Paxahau is getting bigger and bigger and looks to become a big part of Detroit's Creative Corridor project.


Just about everyone who has worked for Paxahau over the years has started out as a volunteer for it in one way or another.

The electronic music promotion company began as a passion project for techno enthusiasts inspired by the raves in Detroit in the early 1990s. Today it throws parties centered around electronic music in Detroit, including the city’s biggest techno bash -- Movement: The Detroit Electronic Music Festival.

This allows it to employ four full-time people, another four part-timers and a handful of interns (its last intern became its latest hire). And that’s during the downtime. Paxahau employs more than 20 people and another 200 volunteers during Movement.

Read the rest of the story here.
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