Paxahau spreads wings; 378 staffers for Movement techno festival

More than a bunch of concertgoers will be dancing away at Detroit's Movement festival later this month.


Putting on one of North America’s top techno festivals isn't a one-man or even a one-company show. That's why Paxahau plans to employ 378 people to make this year’s Movement possible.

That number crosses a lot of lines, including 75 production and staffers, 100 security personnel, 80 bartenders and food vendors, 23 ticket takers/sellers and 100 artists/entourages. And then are the people who aren't really being paid, such as the 20 interns from Northwood University and 150 volunteers who will serve as everything from greeters to runners.

"Our goal by involving them (the interns) is they get acclimated to Detroit and involved," says James Canning, a spokesman for Movement.

Read the rest of the story here.
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    326 Hilton
    Ferndale, MI 48220 Website
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