Paxahau goes to the people to find brand designer for 2009 DEMF

Detroit's Paxahau is looking for a few good votes to see who will design this year's DEMF brand.


Paxahau and 323 East have launched an online contest to find the brand designer for this year's Movement: The Detroit Electronic Music Festival.

"It really is in a lot of ways the people's festival," says Jason Huvaere, president and co-founder of Paxahau. "It's the fans that have kept it alive."

The winner will be responsible for the overall visual aesthetic of the event, including festival advertising, t-shirts, banners and the web site. They will also receive $5,000, a VIP chalet for family and friends at the festival and a gift bag with festival gear. The winner will be picked from the top 10 contestants, ranked by votes from the web site.

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  • Paxahau
    326 Hilton
    Ferndale, MI 48220 Website
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