iDashboards capitalizes on March Madness with new bracket technology

The products behind iDashboards aren't always about business and money, now that the Troy-based firm is breaking into the sports scene.

The company uses Flash to create real-time interactive computer dashboards for businesses. These personalized dashboards analyze, track, and organize a wealth of data into critical information tidbits for companies.

Its NCAA Basketball Tournament lets fans track games, stats and more in real time. This isn't the first fun-style program iDashboards has created. It recently did the same with the 2008 Summer Olympics and the presidential election.

These programs for business and fun have helped make iDashboards successful to the point that the 4-year-old company's revenue records annual double-digit increases. It now employs nearly 100 people around the world and is looking to hire as it forms partnerships in Europe and the Middle East.

Source: Shadan Malik, president and CEO of iDashboards
Writer: Jon Zemke
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  • iDashboards
    5750 New King St. Suite 110
    Troy, MI 48098 Website
    Troy-based iDashboards --a software dashboard developer-- experienced 400 percent growth in its first year and expects to quintuple that over the next few.