U-M students flee Bay Area for refuge in Ann Arbor

The stereotype for Generation Y is fleeing Michigan for the Bay Area. Meet a talented, young woman who made the reverse stereotypical migration and is loving it.


For some young people, school is something from which to escape. Not so for Janasha Higgins.

Higgins, now 23, has long turned to her studies as a way to take a break from a tough family life — and as a means to get ahead.

"School's been my sanity," said Higgins, "and my mentors helped me a lot, too."

The 2004 graduate of the Alameda Community Learning Center earned a degree from San Francisco State University, where she majored in psychology, in 2009. She's currently completing a master's in social work at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and will soon begin a doctorate program there in psychology and social work.

Read the rest of the story here.
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