President Obama is known for his inspiring words. Here is a sampling of what his audience at Michigan Stadium wants to hear this Saturday.
Last year, when President Barack Obama's commencement addresses drew protests at the University of Notre Dame and Arizona State University, Rebekah Sharpe was spurred to action. She figured if Obama was invited to the 2010 commencement at the University of Michigan, the reception would be different.
"I thought, 'He will be welcomed with open arms,' " said Sharpe, who is graduating with a degree in communications.
It's an idea others at U-M had. Sharpe, 22, of Southfield was among many students and staff members who spent months working on a campaign to get Obama to Ann Arbor to address the graduates on Saturday.
During a meeting with reporters several weeks ago, U-M President Mary Sue Coleman jokingly referred to the quest to secure Obama as the commencement speaker "as my obsession."
"Everyone who had a connection with the White House, we told about our desire and they were putting in a good word for us," Coleman said. Obama, Coleman said, was a natural choice. "Ever since he was elected and I saw the outpouring of enthusiasm from our students, I thought this would be terrific."
We asked some members of the Class of 2010 to share what they want to hear from Obama. Their responses:
Read the rest of the story here.
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