Thomson-Shore names new president

One of Washtenaw County’s biggest book printers has a new president and that man is living a new way of life in Dexter.


There are a lot of factors one can measure when considering a new job. Salary, benefits, hours, responsibilities can all be weighed against what you currently have.

For Kevin Spall, one defining factor in accepting the offer to become Thomson-Shore's new president could be measured right down to the minute. His watch was telling him that time was going to play a big role in this big decision.

"I left this morning at 6:50 a.m. and took the train to Manhattan and got to my desk at 9 a.m.," Spall said the week before taking over his new position. "That was my normal life living in Connecticut and working in New York City."

Unless he decides to live in the Upper Peninsula, his commute time is going to be greatly reduced. So the measuring stick will compare a two-hour commute one-way to say about 15-20 minutes. At the very least, Spall is looking at around three extra hours a day to work and live.

"To go from that commute to living so close to work in the Ann Arbor area is just a better quality of life and lifestyle and a very attractive proposition," Spall said.

Read the rest of the story here.
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