Ann Arbor's Arboretum Ventures becomes state's leading VC fund

Venture capital is beginning to make a name for itself in Ann Arbor and Arboretum Ventures is helping underwrite it.


Bolstered by a series of high-profile investments and a home-run local deal that yielded a 10-fold return, Ann Arbor-based Arboretum Ventures is emerging as the state's leading venture capital firm.

But founder Jan Garfinkle emphasizes that she expects to be much more than that.

"Our goals and our aspirations are to be one of the best venture funds in the nation in medical devices and health care services," she said.

Arboretum, which made five investments in 2008 and reaped huge returns on a 2005 investment in Ann Arbor-based health care software firm HealthMedia, is poised to finish fundraising for its third investment fund.

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