Reuters on Ann Arbor: Small city with big brainpower

New grads might like the big cities, but it appears the nerds like small cities. Or so says a survey by which put Ann Arbor at the top of the small city big brains list, behind Boulder and ahead of Durham, D.C., and Fort Collins, Colo.


Forget New York, Chicago and even Los Angeles, brain power in the United States is concentrated in smaller cities with Boulder, Colorado and Ann Arbor, Michigan at the top of the list.

Boulder, home to the University of Colorado, has the smartest population in the country with 26 percent of its residents holding a master's or graduate degree and 82.5 percent having attended college.

Ann Arbor came in second in the survey compiled by the national business news website followed by Durham in North Carolina, Washington D.C., and Fort Collins in Colorado.

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