Business Insider ranks Ann Arbor as Top 20 Most Innovative City

Ann Arbor makes yet another list: This time Tree Town has been ranked as one of the Top 20 Most Innovative Cities in the U.S. by Business Insider. It joins the ranks of Raleigh, N.C., and Los Angeles.


Are you having a mental block? Maybe it's not you, it's the city you're in.

Innovation analysts at 2thinknow released a list of the most innovative cities in the world. They evaluated 289 cities based on three factors: cultural assets, human infrastructure, and networked markets.

Cities were ranked on a one to ten scale in each category for a total possible index score of 30. Once index numbers were determined, cities were given the label of "node," "nexus," or "hub."

Christopher Hire, executive director of 2thinknow, explains the process:

"Cities that have a high index score are nexus cities, followed by hub then node cities. A node city is a globally “competitive” score, so all cities should aim to be node cities. Node means they are hooked into global networks and connected to the backbone of the global innovation economy.

Read the rest of the story here.
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