Dexter book manufacture Thomson-Shore sees steady growth

The success of a book manufacturer like Thomson-Shore doesn’t seem to make much sense in this digital age. However, that’s just what the Dexter-based firm is enjoying these days.

The company of 260 people grew its revenues by 8 percent last year and expects to grow 10 percent this year. It’s been able to do that by solidifying productivity gains in its workforce and expects to continue the trend.

"We’d like to maintain that type of growth rate," says Myron Marsh, CEO of Thomson-Shore.

The firm usually doesn't make the major titles that people crowd Borders for, but prints lots of short runs. Those range anywhere from 500-20,000 copies and are usually special orders for universities or religious institutions.

Technology gains have allowed the 36-year-old company to keep up in the competitive market. However, that has also required it to shore up the competency level of its employees, a challenge Marsh says they have risen to nicely.

"We’ll constantly be upgrading our people and I'm sure more people will be added in the near future," Marsh says.

Source: Myron Marsh, CEO of Thomson-Shore
Writer: Jon Zemke
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