Therapy Charts grows medical records software biz

Digitizing medical records is doubtless a growth industry; the extent of its sprawl can be seen in the likes of Therapy Charts.

The downtown Ann Arbor-based firm creates medical record software for clinical psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors. It started with three people in 2008, now employs nine, and expects to hire a few technicians next year.

Lisa Farmer founded Therapy Charts after working in
hospital mental health departments and observing that medical record technology was aimed at big institutions and not sole practitioners or small health-care co-operatives. Her team created its own software and now has 100 clients today, including Madonna University. Madonna uses the program for its training clinic.

"We see this as a way for universities to get their electronic records right," Farmer says.

Farmer sees more universities wanting her company's product and expects to use them as the springboard for more growth over the next year.

Source: Lisa Farmer, founder of Therapy Charts
Writer: Jon Zemke
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