SRT Solutions hires 2 as it expands further into mobile software development

Interns aren't just inexpensive labor to the co-founders of SRT Solutions. Bill Wagner and Dianne Marsh see internships as an opportunity to find and mold future employees.

SRT Solutions has hired a number of interns over its 11 years of business. Of the software firm's two hires over the last year, one of them was a former intern. That expanded the downtown Ann Arbor-based company's staff to 19 people and two interns.

"We have found it's a really great opportunity to bring in an intern, work with them for a few years and then make them an employee," Marsh says. "It's a good way to make sure they fit with the company culture."

SRT Solutions has steadily grown over the recent years, almost parallel to the expansion of software development. The company has really taken a special interest in mobile application software over the last year, working on everything from iPad tablet computers to smart phones.

"Just about everybody you see today has multiple mobile computing devices," Wagner says. "That could be a smart phone or a Kindle or a laptop of a tablet computer."

Wagner and Marsh say the expansion of the mobile software market will continue to grow over the next few years. Much of that growth will go into non-traditional computer devices, such as programmable thermostats that can be adjusted with the help of an app.

"All of these things seem obvious once you see it there," Marsh says.

Source: Bill Wagner and Dianne Marsh, co-founders of SRT Solutions
Writer: Jon Zemke

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  • SRT Solutions
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    Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Website
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