EMU start-ups win seed capital from Skandalaris Biz Plan Competition

Not all business plan competitions are for high-powered start-ups geared toward the new economy. Some, like the The Skandalaris Business Plan Competition, give opportunities for younger entrepreneurs or people who want to start a good, old-fashioned business.

The winners of the Eastern Michigan University Center for Entrepreneurship-based competition include Saline High School alumna and EMU student Carrie Eichler for her business plan called Carrie’s Consignments and fellow EMU student Deborah Merz who won for her plan called Healthcare Integrators. Both received $1,000.

Bill Shaffer took home $700 for his plan called The Shaffer Boys and its presentation. That business plan centers around a carpentry business for commercial buildings. The 23-year-old journeyman carpenter is a senior majoring in construction management at EMU. Shaffer was inspired by his father and uncles who once owned their own carpentry business.

"My whole family is in the carpentry business," Shaffer says.

All business plans were welcome to the competition, which presented its plans at the Sesi Midwest Entrepreneurship Conference. About 300 students, educators and future entrepreneurs attended the annual conference this year.

Source: Eastern Michigan University and Bill Shaffer, owner of The Shaffer Boys
Writer: Jon Zemke
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