Nick Schlemper is a student at
Eastern Michigan University and was always frustrated with the social media options at his disposal so he and two more partners created their own,
The almost 2-month-old website provides an online avenue for college students to sell, buy, share and connect on their own campus. It is now at universities across the Midwest, including all of the major colleges in Michigan.
"I was wondering why there wasn't a resource like this out there?" Schlemper says. "Something that allows students to look for jobs or other things on campus." is a free website that lets students buy, sell or share items with other students on their campus, such as books or furniture or other student necessities. It also lets them post and find jobs and even find a way to share a ride, among other avenues for them to save money.
"We want to be the resource students will go to before eBay or Amazon," Schlemper says.
He and his partners are building out the website's infrastructure so they can continue to expand its reach. They hope to become a household name in colleges across the U.S. by the end of 2013.
Source: Nick Schlemper, founder of
Writer: Jon Zemke
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