Blue Newt focuses on game changing with its simulation software

Blue Newt Software is working to change simulation and education technologies by combining the two through gamification.

The downtown Ann Arbor-based start-up is creating simulation technology for training and engineering. Its twist is that it gamifies the technology so that it's more engaging to users and makes a longer-lasting impact. So far, this approach has attracted some big name customers, including Mercedes Benz and Ford.

"We feel we have the tools to change the game technologically," says Bob Kuehne, president & founder of Blue Newt Software.

The 1-year-old company got its start from a graphics consultancy Kuehne ran in the 2000s. He had the idea for what is now Blue Newt Software and went for broke when he floated the idea to Mercedes Benz.

"We made a bold pitch to them to buy something that didn't exist," Kuehne says. "That became the main part in one of our two core products."

Blue Newt Software employs four people and eight independent contractors, along with the occasional intern. Kuehne expects those numbers to grow as his business continues to expand. He foresees his company doubling in size in each year for the next four years.

Source: Bob Kuehne, president & founder of Blue Newt Software
Writer: Jon Zemke

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