Venture Capital

UM Student Venture Fund Celebrates 10 Years

Compendia Bioscience lands $3 million VC, plans to create 20 new jobs

Feature Story BootCampABS

Entrepreneur's Boot Camp

Feature Story Meetings_ABS

Where The Deals Are Done

EDF Ventures invests in downtown Ann Arbor, creates new fund

TherOx shows how local companies can be forced to move

Accuri Cytometers takes in $15 million in VC, expects to hire 88

NeuroNexus Technologies lands VC money, looking to hire 7

Fletcher Spaght Ventures receives investment from Venture Michigan Fund

Entrepreneurial executives getting a close look in state

Who Needs a @#! Venture Capitalist?

U-M Biz School VC fund invests in Flint-based BeholzTech

Michigan Growth Capital Symposium draws investment seekers

U-M spinoff Tissue Regeneration Systems receives $2 million in VC

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Michigan Growth Capital Symposium

Translume's tiny devices create big-paying jobs

$1 million in venture capital heads for Accord Biomaterials

Digital Edge to help MI start-ups network, expand

Ann Arbor is state's VC hub, but needs more cash

Venture Michigan makes major VC investment in A2's North Coast

If innovation is the engine, investment is the fuel. For Michigan to transform its economy and nurture homegrown high-tech companies, it must develop a robust venture capital community. Ann Arbor understands this better than most.

In conjunction with the University Of Michigan, SPARK, the MEDC and the Michigan Growth Capital Symposium (held in Ypsilanti every year), entrepreneurs are starting to see a change in attitude about local investment. Ardesta, EDF, Arboretum Ventures, Plymouth Venture Partners and the University's Wolverine Fund are just some of the firms trying to change Michigan's economic landscape.