Jobs Landed: Tami Nykamp

I assist students and alumni with their professional development and act as a liaison between the students and the employers who have a relationship with Davenport University.  I spend a great deal of time guiding students through the resume and cover letter process as well as assisting with interviewing skills and job coaching.  I assist with preparing students for professional jobs or help alumni who are going through a career transition.  I present workshops on various aspects on workforce development and network with employers in the business sector in the Greater Lansing area.  
Job Title: Career Services Coorindator
Company: Davenport University
College: Michigan State University, Davenport University, Lansing, MI
High School: Jenison High School, Jenison, MI
Lives In: Groesbeck

Davenport University

220 East Kalamazoo Street
Lansing, MI 48933

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