Athletics: Jobs Landed

3 Athletics Jobs | Page:

Sarah Skilling

Responsible for developing strategic athletic donor stewardship and event initiatives by sustaining positive and mutually-rewarding relations between the Athletic Department and its donors; partner with university colleagues and coaches to determine the best strategies for effective stewardship of donors; maintain ongoing and active networking with internal and external constituencies; and provide event management for increased donor engagement.

On Twitter: @sarahskilling

Job Title: Director of Donor Relations and Events, Intercollegiate Athletics, Spartan Fund
Company: Michigan State University
College: Michigan State University, College of Communcation Arts and Sciences, Advertising, East Lansing, Michigan

Julia Janssen

I have been working in baseball for six seasons and I love it. Every day is a little different and challenging. I truly enjoy creating an experience for fans to relax and enjoy themselves. It's a compliment when someone chooses to spend their free time in your facility. My goal is to make sure that person has a good time at the game regardless of the score.

I joined the Lugnuts after working for two different minor league teams in Iowa and Wyoming. (To get anywhere in the baseball world, you have to be willing to relocate.) The Lugnuts have an incredible brand and a great reputation so it was an easy decision to come here when the job opened up.

Our Marketing Department covers a broad spectrum of needs, from donation requests to Guest Services and advertising. I specifically oversee all of the entertainment in the stadium and digital media efforts. In a typical day I'll design graphics for the videoboard, pick new music to play during the game, design new signs for the stadium, and keep our social media efforts active. You can check out our Facebook profile ( or Twitter account ( to see my daily updates.

Job Title: Director of Marketing
Company: Lansing Lugnuts
College: University of Iowa, Double Major, Journalism and Health/Sport Studies, Iowa City, IA

Jesse Goldberg-Strassler

I am the entire media department for the Lugnuts, in charge of the radio broadcast, media relations, and website.  I travel with the team on road trips, serving as media liaison for the players and coaches.  I create the team media guide, write articles for the annual team magazine, write and distribute team press releases and daily media notes.

Job Title: Radio Broadcaster
Company: Lansing Lugnuts
College: Ithaca College, Park School of Communications, Television/Radio Major, Ithaca, NY

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