Government: Jobs Landed

24 Government Jobs | Page:

Andrea Jeannotte

Social Media Interns will create compelling and dynamic content that will build and sustain awareness about the program. The Social Media Intern will work collaboratively with staff across the organization while writing and gathering content for electronic publications and key social media sites such as Facebook as well as developing and maintaining a blog that promotes the goals and messages of the organization.

On Twitter: @AndreaJeannotte

Job Title: Garden Program Social Media Intern
Company: Ingham County Land Bank
College: Michigan State University, Double major in English and Professional Writing, Minor in Music, East Lansing, Michigan

Laura Kastner

Social Media Interns will create compelling and dynamic content that will build and sustain awareness about the program. The Social Media Intern will work collaboratively with staff across the organization while writing and gathering content for electronic publications and key social media sites such as Facebook as well as developing and maintaining a blog that promotes the goals and messages of the organization.

On Twitter: @laura_kastner

Job Title: Garden Program Social Media Intern
Company: Ingham County Land Bank
College: Michigan State University, Professional Writing, East Lansing, Michigan

DJ McKerr

 I will be serving as a Capital Equity Intern for this coming summer and will assist in administering programs to provide access to capital for businesses across the state.  Some of the current programs include a venture capital fund, small business capital access program, in addition to some new programs that will be implemented this summer that I will be assisting with.  My professional interests include economic redevelopment in the State of Michigan as well as entrepreneurship.  In the past I have worked for a venture capitalist firm (RPM Ventures) in Ann Arbor and have been a small business owner myself and will bring these experiences with with me into the work I will be doing for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.

On Twitter: @itsaDJstory

Job Title: Capital Equity Intern
Company: Michigan Economic Development Corporation
College: University of Michigan, Ford School of Public Policy, Public Policy, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Andrea Ragan

CAMW! houses a number of workforce development councils to focus on particular industries in greater Lansing, including the Capital Healthcare and Employment Council (CHEC), the Bio Economy Council, and the Capital Area IT Council (CAITC). The role of each council director is to provide services and business development tools to employers within that industry. Information Technology (IT) is the fastest growing industry in mid-Michigan and  IT employers need networking capabilities, an understanding of industry trends and initiatives, and access to a talented workforce. The Lansing area is a major hub of IT growth and activity and the CAITC is charged with providing vital resources to employers to help them continue to grow and thrive.

On Twitter: @downtownopal @ITCouncil

Job Title: Executive Director of Capital Area IT Council
Company: Capital Area Michigan Works!
College: Michigan State University, Agriculture and Natural Resources, BS in Community, Agriculture, Recreation & Resource Services, East Lansing, Michigan

Melissa Warner

I recently joined Capital Area Michigan Works as the Communication Assistant.  As the communication assistant, I maintain and plan our social media strategy.  I also help to develop flyers and campaigns to promote career-enhancing programs as well as reach out to the public about great job opportunities in a variety of other ways.

On Twitter: @mjatstate and @camwjobs

Job Title: Communications Assistant
Company: Capital Area Michigan Works!
College: Michigan State University, Communications and Comparative Cultures and Politics, East Lansing, Michigan

John A. Hayner

I work within the office of State Aid & School Finance and we are responsible for administering the State School Aid Act and distributing over eleven billion dollars in state funds to public school districts across the state. In addition,we provides guidance on issues of school finance and tax policy, public school district financial accounting, various financing mechanisms available to school districts,and information on pupil accounting statutes and rules. Finally,we provide interpretation, analysis, and coordination of Departmental activities related to the annual development of the State School Aid K-12 budget.

On Twitter: @haynerj47

Job Title: Financial Analyst
Company: Michigan Department of Education
College: Michigan State University, Finance, East Lansing, Michigan

Andrea Kerbuski

Fresh from the windy city, I’ve returned to one of my favorite places: Lansing, a place I called home during my four years at Michigan State University and three years as a young professional. I’m back and am now the Chief Communications Officer at Capital Area Michigan Works!, a government workforce development agency located close to downtown Lansing.
From developing marketing strategies to managing community outreach efforts to engaging in social media outreach, I’m never in a routine, but a fast-paced environment where the work I do varies each day. And that’s the way I prefer it.
You can also find me traipsing around Lansing with a ridiculous outfit and my Nikon D700 as I’m also a fashion blogger, highlighting my style through photos and utilizing great spots in Lansing as my back drop.

On Twitter: @andreakerbuski

Job Title: Chief Communications Officer
Company: Capital Area Michigan Works!
College: Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

Michael E. King

The job entails gathering information and data about a public policy issue, analyzing the data, and writing a report on how the issue affects the State of Michigan.  When applicable, recommendations as to what the state should do regarding the issue are included in the report.  I am interested in learning about the effects of public policies and communicating that knowledge to interested citizens and legislators.  I applied for this fellowship twice and was awarded the fellowship last spring.  I enjoy working in downtown Lansing and being a part of a knowledgeable team of researchers who care about the state and strive to make it better.

Job Title: Earhart Fellow
Company: Citizens Research Council of Michigan
College: Michigan State University, College of Social Science, Master in Public Policy, East Lansing, MI

Paul B.A. Holland

I work primarily on financial issues affecting the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs for the Michigan House of Representatives, serving each of the 110 Representatives as a source of nonpartisan and object information. Day-to-day duties include researching fiscal impacts of proposed legislation, analyzing the history and effects of state policies, and assisting the House Appropriation Committee with the development of the state budget. I am passionate about my job because it incorporates impartial policy research with actual policy implications.

Job Title: House Fiscal Analyst
Company: House Fiscal Agency
College: Michigan State University, BA in Political Science, Master of Public Policy, East Lansing, MI

Ashley Patterson

I basically use policy and procedure to determine which applicants are eligible for which programs funded by the state and federal government. I determine eligibility for Food Assistance, Medicaid (medical coverage), Child Daycare, and State Disability Assistance (cash and medical coverage for individuals that are disabled from working for more than 90 days). I love that I have a job in Michigan’s economy and I love my job because I get to live my passion everyday, which is helping people become better! I chose this job because it is most definitely a stepping-stone to continue to use my passion for helping the disadvantaged!

Job Title: Assistance Payments Worker/ Eligibility Specialist
Company: Michigan Department of Human Services
College: Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI

Kimberly Mathiot

I am responsible for editing all items and documentation associated with Michigan standards-based assessment for K-12 students throughout the state. I also work on other publications, wherever I am needed, to make sure that the copy we are distributing is accurate and valid for the purpose it is intended. I have been in education for the past 17 years, and have worn a variety of hats – as a high school teacher, a researcher, a data analyst, consultant, and a provider of professional development. This job is a good fit for me, because of the requirement to understand state assessments, which I am very well-acquainted with, and also some knowledge of desk-top publishing and graphic arts. My undergraduate degree was in Computer Graphics and I have taught graphic design on the community college level. I found my job on the State government website, and applied for it in March. I got the call for the 1st interview in May, when I had mostly forgotten about the application. I was getting pretty discouraged at this point, so everything worked out for the best. I like my job, because I have the potential to impact educational reform on the policy level, and it is one of my goals to make the assessments and documents we produce as easy to read, consistent and efficient for the end-user as  possible.

Follow me on Twitter @kim_mathiot

Job Title: Composition Editor/Educational Research Consultant
Company: Michigan Department of Education
College: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Masters of Education, Champaign, IL

Rory Neuner

I am coordinating Transportation for Michigan, a new statewide coalition that seeks to make Michigan communities more livable and our economy more robust through transportation policy reform. In this economy, communities that have safe, affordable, attractive options for getting around are the same communities that attract a talented workforce. I am excited about this opportunity to help communities across the state become more walkable and transit-friendly.

Job Title: Project Coordinator
Company: Transportation for Michigan
College: University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy, Master of Public Policy, Chicago, IL

Lonias Gilmore

I serve as the training and social marketing coordinator for Michigan's Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program. My objectives are to develop, implement and monitor the annual training plan for the Program and oversee its system for disseminating program information to state and local partners. The most exciting aspect of joining this team, and the reason that this position was attractive to me in the first place, is that the ultimate goal is to ensure that Michigan is a recognized leader and expert in the field of Obesity Prevention. I am passionate about improving the health of the public. My desire to help promote health equity is the reason I began work on my graduate degree in Public Health, and my research interest has been focused on this subject for the past four years. This position offers me the opportunity to demonstrate the advantages of policy change and to help create environments in which people can lead healthier lives.
I learned about this position when a friend of mine recommended that I expand my job search to Michigan, and I ventured to the Michigan Civil Service Commission website. I would like to offer a tip to people interested in employment with the State of Michigan, and it is a simple one. The Michigan Civil Service Commission website offers potential applicants the opportunity to complete "Job Interest Cards". A "Job Interest Card" profile lets you choose job categories for which you receive email notifications. MDCH, in particular, recommends this program to those interested.

Job Title: Public Health Consultant - Training Coordinator
Company: Michigan Department of Community Health
College: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Master of Public Health, Tulsa, OK

Laura Daien

I handle writing and media relations for Representatives within the House Republican Caucus. I also provide counsel on social media involvement and maintain the websites of my assigned members. Getting the word about what representatives are doing in Lansing back home to their districts is my job and I love it!

Follow me on Twitter @lauradaien

Job Title: Communications Manager
Company: Michigan House Republicans
College: Michigan State University, BA in Advertising, Specialization in PR, East Lansing, MI

Emily Petz

My county assignment is the western half of the Upper Peninsula.  I frequently have to jump in a plane to visit my grantees, sometimes landing in a different time zone.  I am responsible for reviewing, analyzing and making final recommendation on funding of MSHDA/Office of Community Development program applications (CDBG, NSP, HOME); assessment of community needs, policy review and recommendation and implementation of program changes; compliance monitoring evaluation; as well as being a resource for other MSHDA staff on non standard situations requiring interpretation and resolution.

Job Title: Community Development Specialist
Company: Michigan State Housing Development Authority
College: Michigan State University, Urban and Regional Planning, Social Science, East Lansing, MI

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