Jobs Landed: Ashley Patterson

I basically use policy and procedure to determine which applicants are eligible for which programs funded by the state and federal government. I determine eligibility for Food Assistance, Medicaid (medical coverage), Child Daycare, and State Disability Assistance (cash and medical coverage for individuals that are disabled from working for more than 90 days). I love that I have a job in Michigan’s economy and I love my job because I get to live my passion everyday, which is helping people become better! I chose this job because it is most definitely a stepping-stone to continue to use my passion for helping the disadvantaged!
Job Title: Assistance Payments Worker/ Eligibility Specialist
Company: Michigan Department of Human Services
College: Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI
High School: Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School, Detroit, MI
Lives In: Grand Rapids

Michigan Department of Human Services

235 S. Grand Ave.
Lansing, MI 48909

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