Couple completes 1,500-mile walk around Lake Superior

There are days we don't even feel like getting up in the morning and walking to the car to go to work, let along walking for 145 days straight for a total of 1,500 miles. This couple from Minnesota didn't seem to mind though, and make the trip all the way around Lake Superior--a task they just recently completed.

Excerpt: Mike Link and Kate Crowley, a couple from Willow River, Minn., know the answer to a variation on an old joke: How do you walk around Lake Superior?

One step at a time.

Link, 64, and Crowley, 60, are quick with a response because they lived it. On Sunday, they strolled into Duluth, Minn., on the last steps of a 1,550-mile hike that started on April 29.

As best as anyone can tell, they are among very, very few people to ever circumnavigate the largest freshwater lake in the world by foot. They walked east --counterclockwise--through Wisconsin and Michigan, then along the Canadian side during the summer, 12 to 15 miles a day for 145 days.

For the rest of the article, go to this page.

Source: Great Lakes Echo
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