Royal Oak Daily Tribune notes the joy of sailing Mackinac Straits

Sailing is typically a good time in the lakes in and surrounding the Upper Peninsula. That was recently noted in the Royal Oak Daily Tribune after one of its writers took to the waters of the Mackinac Straits.

Excerpt: Mother Nature indeed was with us on this morning trip as we sailed with the wind to our back past Bois Blanc Island, Round Island and Mackinac Island.

All the while, the Mackinac Bridge seemed to be in reaching distance as the skies cleared to the west and gave way to a hot sun as we se our sights on Lake Michigan.

A para-sailor glided gracefully around the waters of famous Mackinac City and scuba divers explored sunken ship hulls in the Straits; the straits started to come alive.

For the rest of the story, go here.

Source: Royal Oak Daily Tribune
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