A little U.P. love from National Geographic

A little love from an organization like National Geographic always makes you feel good, warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? The magazine's website recently gave the Upper Peninsula some props thanks to a reader who took exception to its list of best hiking areas.

Excerpt: In response to our Best Trails package, which includes 30 hikes—none of which are in the Midwest—reader Paul Masiarchin pointed out our (unintentional) ommision and even offered up some of his favorite Midwestern hikes, presented below. Thanks, Paul, for your great suggestions!

Across the Upper Midwest, hikers can explore four seasons of beauty on trails along the region's lakes and rivers. Here are four of my favorite water-edge trails in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

For the rest of the article, go here.

Source: National Geographic
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