Cyclists bring green message to Escanaba

There is no shortage of "green" messages these days, but there is a shortage of cyclists taking a 1,500-mile trip to spread the sustainable word. Thankfully for Escanaba, they were lucky enough to have a crew of four bike riders stop in and discuss the benefits of green living and transportation recently.

Excerpt: Bike49 is a four-rider team from California on a bicycle tour of the United States and Canada to promote bicycle travel and inspiring people to live lightly. They also bring their message to students along the way about dreaming big and setting goals as a guide for living. Escanaba is one of the towns on their route.

Three of the bike49 members offered a slide presentation featuring pictures of people they met on their journey so far, in addition to some of the wildlife they encountered.

For the rest of the article, read on.

Source: Escanaba Daily Press

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