2010 marks 25th anniversary of moose transplant to U.P.

The folks over at Lake Superior Spirit, a blog that focuses on the Upper Peninsula, have taken note of a couple who is hiking around Lake Superior. That's right, around it. The trip started at the end of April and will take approximately six months to finish. In addition to hiking, the couple is also recording the flora and fauna they come across.

Excerpt: As of last night they had traveled 387 miles. Since they average 15 miles a day, you can guess their current count this evening. They headed north and east out of L'Anse this morning, up the Point Abbaye Peninsula. After that they'll be Skanee-bound before hitting Marquette County.

Their goal is to stay as close to the shoreline as possible. Not an easy feat. (Not always easy on the feet either–especially on challenging rocky beaches.) Sometimes they walk in the lake. They've forded many a stream.

Read the rest of the story here.

Source: Lake Superior Spirit
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