It's that time of year again: The fireworks leaving glittering trails of color in the sky, grilling with the family, and, of course, a dark week for U.P. Second Wave.
As our nation celebrates its independence from the British Empire, we here at U.P. Second Wave will be taking a week away from publishing to help us stay on top of our work here. Well, that and we're going to grill some Upper Peninsula-made sausages on our U.P.-produced charcoal. We'll probably even have some Keweenaw Brewing Company beer (Widowmaker, anyone?) and laugh it up with some friends and family.
But, seriously, we'll be working, too.
Don't fret about our dark week. We'll be back on July 11 with a new edition and new stories. Great photos will be coming from the ever-wonderful Shawn Malone and we'll be giving you some great features from the likes of Kurt Mensching, Kim Eggleston, Deb Pascoe, Neil Moran, Lucy Hough and more.
Thanks for your continued support and we wish you a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July. Don't forget to snag some Upper Peninsula products for your camping trip and cookouts while you're at it.
Sam Eggleston is the managing editor of Upper Peninsula Second Wave. He was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula and his favorite things to grill comes from Vollwerth's in Hancock and Guindon Farms in Cornell. He can be reached via email.
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