Jane Maddock, of St. Joseph, has too many cranesbill
geraniums, ornamental grasses, lilies and black-eyed Susans in her yard.
She wants to make sure that garden surplus goes to a good home. Maddock works with Plant It Forward, a local program that brings
people who are thinning their gardens together with people who want to start one.
"Any time you're a gardener, you have to divide plants anyway. They
grow beyond their space and get crowded," Maddock says. "It's great to be able to give
plants to people who need them."
Plant It Forward was created in 2001 after Janet McClelland, a member
of the Indian Hills Garden Club, watched the movie "Pay It Forward"
with her grandchildren. She suggested that garden clubs donate plants
to people who have an interest in beautifying their property or growing
their own vegetables but cannot afford to buy plants. They, in turn,
could share their plants with other people in future years. The idea
took root and now, thousands of plants are distributed to dozens of
families every year.
Betsy Langbo, Plant It Forward coordinator, said the event is helping
families grow their own vegetables and flowers, and helping children
get fresh air and exercise while experiencing the simple joy of growing
and tending plants.
For the details on the 10th annual event, read the
entire story.
Source: Herald-Palladium
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