
Feature Story The Starlite Collective

Kalamazoo's Starlite Collective welcomes a constellation of diverse artists and artisans

“The stars are all connected — one big body of untouchable balls of light millions of years old. I wanted people to be able to be stars and know they hold their own potential to shine bright just like our sky when we look up. Hence our motto: 'You Hold the Light.'"

Feature Story Texas Roadhouse

Stolen silence: Tinnitus Awareness Week in Kalamazoo

“It makes me sad that I probably will never experience silence again because I really like silence. I like quiet, and now if I’m out walking in the woods by myself I would like to just be in the quiet."

Feature Story Kids n Stuff

Day Tripper: Children's play museum draws families to Albion

“Kids ‘N’ Stuff is special because it’s something families can do in the winter inside. . .We want people to come to Kids ‘N’ Stuff and get cookies at the local bakery or a burger at Albion Malleable Brewing. There’s enough to do here that you could make it a day trip or an overnight staycation."

Partner Content The Grand Rapids location will expand AAoM’s  Upbound Staffing employment program.

Upbound Staffing creates inclusive connections for employers and job seekers

Upbound Staffing helps prepare job candidates living with autism for all parts of a career search and assists businesses in making their work environments more inclusive.

Feature Story Boys in preschool

الأطفال في سن ما قبل المدرسة الذين يعيشون مع التوحد يستفيدون من التعليم المبكر بشكل كبير

تحدثت "تهم التعليم المبكر" عن هذا الموضوع المهم مع هيذر إيكنر، مديرة التعليم على مستوى الولاية في تحالف التوحد في ميشيغان (AAOM) وأم لطفلين يعيشان مع التوحد.

Feature Story Kids

What do breastfeeding, sanitation, vaccines, and lead paint have in common? Public health.

Q&A with Norm Hess, executive director of the Michigan Association for Local Public Health.

Feature Story Boys in preschool

Por qué los preescolares con autismo se benefician de la educación temprana

Early Education Matters habló sobre este importante tema con Heather Eckner, directora de educación estatal de la Autism Alliance of Michigan (Alianza para el Autismo de Michigan, AAOM) y madre de dos niños autistas.

Feature Story A wintery day when The Lakeshore Disability Inclusion Co-editor Lucia Rios had to roll her wheelchair in the road, because sidewalks hadn't been cleared of snow.

5 ways to support people with disabilities in the winter

Disability Inclusion Co-editor Lucia Rios suggests five ways people and organizations can help with accessibility during snowy, icy winters.

Feature Story gayle-small

KCAD’s Gayle DeBruyn on the intersection of design and sustainability

A Q&A with KCAD Professor Gayle DeBruyn, who received the inaugural Legacy Award from the U.S. Green Building Council of West Michigan for her efforts to advance sustainability in the region.

Feature Story Cellphne

Behind closed screens: Unveiling the hidden dangers of sexting and sextortion in Southwest Michigan

Many are not aware that victims of sextortion are typically males between the ages of 14 to 17, according to the FBI. And due to shame and fear, a vast number of incidents are underreported. Local experts raise awareness about what to look for and who not to trust.

Feature Story Kalamazoo Lyceum Hope

Kalamazoo Lyceum offers communion and hope in first of four hope-centered panels

"What you have told us basically is that hope comes from having some action you can take to make things better, either for people close to you or for the world or whatever... You've shown us that hope comes through feeling like you can do something."

Feature Story Cereal City Concert Band

Cereal City Concert Band hits a high note with invitation to perform at Austrian music festival

“As we have progressed over the years, we get better and better and that’s because we have really good musicians joining us. They have a commitment to the band. I keep saying that this is the band I always hoped it would be.”

Longform Endangered Snow People

Kalamazoo youth climate action group calls attention to endangered snowpeople. . .and snow critters

"Here in the Midwest, making snowpeople is a quintessential part of childhood, and Kalamazoo youth are not ready to see that tradition end thanks to climate change."

Longform A Meals on Wheels Western Michigan volunteer makes a delivery.

Inflation, aging population, and loss of COVID funding impact Michigan Meals on Wheels programs

Many Meals on Wheels providers report that challenges have arisen as their client lists continue to grow thanks to an aging population, even as pandemic relief funding dries up.

Longform The MALPH staff: Jodie Shaver, Vickie Johnson, Edward Witherspoon, Gwen Tithoff, and Norm Hess.

Michigan Association for Local Public Health helps build health across the state

Michigan Association for Local Public Health advocates for policies, initiatives, and collaborations that build health across the state and individually through trainings and workforce assistance.

Feature Story Boys in preschool

Why preschoolers living with autism benefit from early education

 Early childhood education presents a golden opportunity to set up  children living with autism for academic success.

Longform Melanie Brim, former president and CEO of the Michigan Health Council.

How can Michigan solve its growing health care workforce shortage?Nonprofit Journal Project

One study found that nearly all of the 36 Michigan health care occupations it analyzed are projecting workforce shortages between now and 2032. What can be done?

Feature Story Donna and Gene Allgaier-Lamberti

What happens when disability rights run up against homeowner associations' rules?

The Fair Housing Act ensures people with disabilities have the right to modify their residences even if they live in condos and other neighborhoods with homeowner association rules.

Feature Story The City of Kalamazoo is working on creating Safe Streets for All.

Is Kalamazoo on its way to becoming a Strong Town?

One-ways to two-ways. Bike lanes. Slowed traffic. Taming of stroads (streets acting like roads). Change can be messy, but one local group hopes it's just a few bumps on the road to Kalamazoo becoming a Strong Town.

Feature Story BC Day of Racial Healing

Community comes together to envision a Battle Creek free of racismNational Day of Racial Healing honored throughout the city

“We have to have more safe places like this where we can enjoy each other's company and food. We are human, we have feelings and we need to support each other to provide a better living for our community."

Battle Creek

New leader of Battle Creek’s Burma Center talks challenges and opportunities

“My biggest passion and mission for the Burma Center is to empower our people and make these people valued in this community and make sure that their voices are heard so that they can thrive alongside other people here so they can be successful like other families." For the full story, click hereFor more stories, please visit here.


Kalamazoo's Healthy House for Women offers women in recovery a loving place to stay

"Our core values are to be sober, safe, and self-sufficient. I think there is a balance between self-sufficiency and community. I don’t want the women to think they can do everything by themselves.". Read the full story here. Read more stories here.