Quirky cottages in Charlevoix are winter delights

Charlevoix's stone houses by artist-builder Ed Young are receiving attention nationwide for the quirkiness and odd beauty that dots historic Charlevoix. The Detroit Free Press explores the phenomenon in a travel article recently.

Excerpt: Last summer, 760 lucky people got to walk through eight Earl Young houses. It was the first tour of interiors ever offered…

Earl Young tourism is a Charlevoix specialty. The quirky builder erected 30 stone homes in town between 1918 and the 1950s, all so unusual they are often compared to works of art. Some look like mushroom houses, with undulating roofs capping boulder walls. Some are tiny. Some are enormous. Most have incredible detail -- doorways of stone, window frames made of boulders, chimneys that look frosted by a giddy cake decorator.

To see the rest of the article and hear what people across the country have to say about Charlevoix, read it here.

Source: The Detroit Free Press
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