After Scandia Wind Energy's Lake Michigan wind-farm proposal's rejection by Mason and Oceana county commissions, the company took a different tack: Written questions, no emotion, just the facts about the 50 to 100, 450-foot turbines that would be built six miles off the Grand Haven pierheads.
An excerpt:
Scandia Wind Offshore has pulled back from asking for county board votes on its plans to build wind farms off the West Michigan coast of Lake Michigan.
That strategy, and a tightly controlled "public information meeting" by the city of Grand Haven, turned down the volume on the opposition as the wind farm developers took their plans to Tri-Cities residents at Grand Haven High School Wednesday night.
The Grand Haven meeting was in stark contrast to the emotional
opposition at a December meeting to two wind turbines proposed by the
city of Grand Rapids at its water filtration plant along the Lake
Michigan shoreline in Grand Haven Township.
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