
Development News Erin Patrice

Building community through conversations: Meet Erin Patrice

Development News Chromebook stickers.
Feature Story Great Lakes Prid

Great Lakes Bay Pride celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride in August

Feature Story “It is time for our community to rally behind these vital professionals, to elevate their status and acknowledge the indispensable role they play."
Development News MACF logo

Nonprofits can apply for ARPA funding

Development News Poster-Northwood Human Library

Northwood University "Human Library"

Feature Story RIX Logo

Issue Media Group Launches Rural Innovation eXchange

Development News Erin Patrice is the creator and founder of The Breaking Bread Village.

Profile Q & A: Erin Patrice, MLK Drum Major Award

Feature Story Volunteers worked on projects at WMFC such as spreading mulch on the playground, enclosing rafters in pavilions, clean up of trails and an obstacle course, and worked on the baseball field. 

Bank employees give back to their communities