Rent-a-Farmer business started by Ferndale resident

You can rent a table and a car and a pony so why not a farmer, too? Thanks to Ferndale resident Trevor Johnson you now can. Through Rent-a-Farmer, the business started by Johnson, he hopes to change the way we think about food, keeping it local and less stressed, and ultimately healthier.

Unfortunately, there is no rent-to-own option.


That's where Johnson comes in. He's looking to carry a new food revolution on his 24-year-old shoulders, educating people about the food they eat, where it comes from, why it's grown the way it is.

He wants to help people to "foster that food revolution in their front and back yards."

To that end, Johnson has started his own business called "Rent-a-Farmer," which offers clients the chance to use the expertise of real farmers to help them grow fruits and vegetables in their back yards. "This is not about going back to the farm," said Johnson, who graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in horticulture. "It's about bringing the farm back to us."

Read the entire article here.
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