Motorcycle magazine for women revs up

A local gal put her entrepreneurship into gear in a motorcycle mag for women. It's not the typical hot rods and hogs style magazine you'd see on a news stands where the lady is scantily clad, but an actual magazine about motorcycles for women. And they're wearing more than bikinis.


When she was a student at Ferndale High School, Doni Langdon felt like an out-of-place tomboy who was too busy with welding class to worry about make-up or shopping.

But now, the 27-year-old entrepreneur has turned her love of cars and motorcycles into a nationally distributed women's magazine aptly called Throttle Gals.

Unlike traditional motorcycle and hot rod magazines, Throttle Gals features women as fully-dressed, competent mechanics showing off the tough and sporty machines they have built and repaired for themselves. "These are real women," she said. "Everyone you see is with her vehicle -- not a model and not someone in her husband's or her boyfriend's ride. It's her pride and joy."

Read the entire article here.

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