OU-Beaumont medical school announces new associate deans

Rochester, Mich. -- Robert Folberg, M.D., dean of the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, today announced the appointments of six associate deans to work with him in establishing an institution of distinctive education and research opportunities.

"We're excited to have assembled a team of first-class teachers, researchers and administrators who will lead the medical school in work guided by innovation, quality and a commitment to community outreach," said Dr. Folberg. "By providing our students with an exemplary medical education, these outstanding professionals will help produce a class of physicians that provides the best medical care available in the communities they serve."

School officials see the confidence these medical professionals have placed in the powerful partnership between Oakland University and Beaumont Hospitals as glowing testimony to the fact that Michigan has and can attract the outstanding talent, diverse resources and driving initiative it will need to build a more prosperous future.

As the state looks to overcome the most daunting economic challenges it has faced in decades, the appointment of these highly accomplished deans reinforces the promise of a broad and beneficial impact the medical school will have on health care, higher education and overall quality of life in the region.

Beaumont Hospitals President and CEO Kenneth Matzick said, "We are very pleased with the progress of the medical school, as evidenced by the appointment of these outstanding associate deans. We remain strongly committed to the school's development, for the benefit of Michigan's residents and the state's economy."

The new associate deans announced by Dr. Folberg include:

•   Robert J. McAuley, Ph.D., as associate dean for educational information technology. He also will serve as clinical assistant professor of biomedical science. McAuley has an extensive and diverse work history at the University of Illinois at Chicago, serving as chief information officer, adjunct assistant professor, associate dean and assistant dean. He also taught in the Department of Psychology at Roosevelt University in Chicago.

•   John Musich, M.D., as associate dean for graduate and continuing medical education. Dr. Musich serves as corporate director of medical education for Beaumont Hospitals. He also has served as Beaumont's associate medical director, chairman and residency program director for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and corporate chairman for Obstetric and Gynecologic Services. Dr. Musich has held assistant and associate professor positions at Mercy College of Detroit, University of Michigan Medical School, Wayne State University Medical School and the University of Illinois College of Medicine.

•   David L. Felten, M.D., Ph.D., as associate dean for research. Dr. Felten is vice president for research and medical director of the Beaumont Research Institute. He also has served as a clinical research professor of anatomy and cell biology. Prior to joining Beaumont, he was dean of the School of Graduate Medical Education at Seton Hall University, founding director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of California Irvine College of Medicine, and professor and chair of the Department of Neuroscience and director of the Markey Charitable Trust Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease and Aging at the University of Rochester School of Medicine.

•   Michele D. Raible, M.D., Pharm.D., as associate dean of undergraduate medical education and a clinical assistant professor of pathology. Dr. Raible served as deputy head for pathology education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she oversaw both undergraduate and graduate education and faculty development. Her previous work includes serving as director of education for the Department of Pathology at Loyola University Medical Center.

•   Linda H. Gillum, Ph.D., as associate dean of academic affairs, faculty development and diversity, as well as an associate professor of biomedical sciences. Gillum built a 30-year career in health care education as a member of the dean's office at the University of Michigan Medical School, focusing on both student and faculty affairs. She also served as assistant provost for academic affairs at the University of Michigan.

•   Angela Nuzzarello, M.D., as associate dean of student affairs. Dr. Nuzzarello has served as associate dean for student programs and professional development at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She has taught in general medical, behavioral science and psychiatry curricula at the Feinberg School of Medicine and at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria. Her work has focused on the health and wellness of medical students and on treatment of anxiety disorders.

"Both Oakland University and Beaumont Hospitals have garnered regional and national recognition for maintaining the highest standards in their education and health care endeavors, and it's clear this wouldn't have been possible without a strong commitment to welcoming only the most skilled, knowledgeable and dedicated faculty and staff members," Folberg said. "The same commitment will guide our efforts at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, and we fully expect to maintain and build on the distinguished reputations of both of these respected institutions."

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