Cool & Associates opens door the to Middle East

Joseph P. Cool knows there is work out there for Metro Detroit firms, but he is also aware that's not always in our backyard. That's why he is working with Qatar-based Pat Engineering to set up a Madison Heights office that could open a few doors for local firms to work in the Middle East.

"The idea is there is a ton of a work in the Middle East and most Americans don't know how to find it," says Cool, owner of Cool & Associates and one of the three people establishing the office on Barrington Street.

Cool & Associates (based in Waterford), MBC Global (Rochester Hills), the city of Madison Heights and Pat Engineering (Doha, Qatar) are working to find, develop and sign international project agreements for Metro Detroit companies. Think finding local firms more business in the Middle East and India so they can hire here.

Cool, who has worked extensively in the Middle East, thinks this could not only help create more white collar jobs, but also bring more blue collar work to local factories. The firms are working to find more overseas work for factories in Oak Park, Pontiac and Warren.

"As we get more contracts signed we'll need more people at the Barrington Street office," Cool says.

Source: Joseph P. Cool, owner of Cool & Associates
Writer: Jon Zemke
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