Oakland University hits $110M capital campaign goal a year early

Capital campaigns have turned into a boon for universities across the nation, which have been cashing in on billions of dollars worth of donations.

The University of Michigan raised $3.1 billion with its Michigan Difference campaign. Wayne State University raised $900 million with its Wayne First campaign. Oakland University is also jumping in on the act, hitting the nine-figure plateau of fundraising.

The "Innovation and Opportunity – The Campaign for Oakland University" campaign recently hit its goal of $110 million. It originally hoped to reach that goal next year, but has been raking in enough cash that it decided to declare victory early.

The money usually goes toward new educational facilities or enhancing professorships. Some of it also goes toward student scholarships. Oakland University hasn’t announced where it plans to put its new riches to use yet.

Source: Oakland University
Writer: Jon Zemke
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