Oakland County readies communities for new economy companies

Flexibility. It's the inexpensive way that Oakland County officials are pushing to make their local communities friendlier to new economy companies.

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson released a new report today aimed at making local governments friendlier to knowledge-based firms. The idea is that streamlining the old bureaucracy will make it more attractive for new economy start-ups and the jobs they create.

"It's to help review and revamp the community plans for the knowledge economy," says Brett Rasegan, planning supervisor for Oakland County.

For instance, lots of small, older manufacturing facilities stand vacant today and are specifically zoned for the office in the front and industrial space in the rear. One of the report's recommendations calls for communities to give these spaces more flexibility by allowing either office or commercial use.

Rasegan gives an example of an Internet retailer which may need lots of space for warehousing products and only a small out-of-the-way space for a storefront. An older manufacturing space could prove to be a perfect fit.

Such flexible rezonings and redevelopments have already been successfully undertaken in Oakland County. An old factory is being turned into loft-style office space on the edges of downtown Royal Oak. A similar thing has been done with the Zicor building, an old manufacturing facility in Ferndale that's now home to several growing new economy firms.

Source: Brett Rasegan, planning supervisor for Oakland County
Writer: Jon Zemke

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