Mango Languages creates 35 jobs with 30 more to follow

Not all businesses are original. Many are take-offs of an idea that just didn't work out for someone else. That's the case with the guys behind Mango Languages, who turned an old idea into a fast-growing start-up. And creating jobs left and right in the process.

The four friends behind the Farmington Hills-based firm had been building a web-development firm earlier this decade. Part of their jobs included working on a foreign language learning program. The creator was having difficulty, so two years ago the foursome decided to make their own version and hence Mango Languages was born. Today the company employs 35 people, 60 independent contractors, and two interns.

"We're growing," says Beverly Cornell, marketing and social media director for Mango Languages. "We're adding about 30 developers over the next six months."

Mango Language's primary product helps users master foreign languages. They have been able to get their products in libraries across the U.S., including some of the big ones like the New York and Seattle public libraries.

"About 40 million people in the U.S. have access to Mango Languages for free," Cornell says.

Mango Languages plans to expand its product offering in the next year. That should include the release of its latest product – Mango Basic. The program teaches polite usage of foreign languages.

Source: Beverly Cornell, marketing and social media director for Mango Languages
Writer: Jon Zemke
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