Ferndale's Livio looks to cash in on Internet radio

Internet surfers are increasingly jamming out to online radio stations like Pandora these days. Ferndale-based Livio wants this to continue, but also wants to free listeners from their computers.

The start-up just released an independent Internet radio for Pandora fans. The small box, about the size of a toaster, uses Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection to tune into Pandora. That way users can enjoy commercial-free music without the ball-and-chain of a laptop or desktop computer.

"There is no AM or FM dial," says Greg Kim, sales and marketing manager for Livio. "It works completely off of wireless Internet."

The radios sells for $150 a pop. The guys at Livio think this market, with 69 million listeners and counting, has a lot of room to grow.

"We see ourselves taking off and doing well, especially with the ups and downs of satellite radio," Kim says.

When that happens it will mean growth for Livio's payroll. Right now the start-up employs 10 people and hopes to add more later this year.

Source: Greg Kim, sales and marketing manager for Livio
Writer: Jon Zemke
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