Felicia Cheng wants to harness the economic opportunity evident in China into her start-up, Global Wave Today.
The Rochester-based firm specializes in helping local firms make the leap halfway around the world into the emerging markets in China. The idea is to bring the proven products and services sold here to the rapidly growing sectors in China. Cheng's firm facilitates this through its experienced staff and contacts abroad.
"People are kind of afraid of doing business overseas," Cheng says. "I have the knowledge and resources to help them do that."
Right now she is helping seven firms from across the U.S. and Canada make that jump and take advantage of those markets. She gives an example of how there are 300 million Internet users and 63 million Internet shoppers in China, and that's only 38 percent of its population.
"There is huge room for growth for companies to take advantage of," Cheng says.
Right now Global Wave Today is aiming to take advantage of its own growth prospects. The company is made up of Cheng, who holds an MBA from the University of Michigan and a resume with GM and China experience all over it, one intern, and a partner in China. She hopes to add a few more people this year as the business grows.
Source: Felicia Cheng, CEO and co-founder of Global Wave Today
Writer: Jon Zemke
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