Birmingham's Ecology boutique plans to develop natural product line

Cosmetics and sustainability aren't two words that normally go together. That is until you walk into Ecology, downtown Birmingham's newest store.

The new emporium opened last week and specializes only in makeup and skin products that have either been sustainably produced, are organic, or both. Marla Shapiro and Carra Stoller started the business because they wanted to provide an earthier alternative to mass-market items.

"We're hoping to educate more people on the importance of going natural and organic and the role it plays in their lives," Shapiro says.

The partners plan to establish the retail this year and then start their own Ecology skin care and cosmetic product line that offers the same type of organic and sustainable products available in their store.

Source: Marla Shapiro, co-owner of Ecology
Writer: Jon Zemke
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